
Police powers and duties

What to Do?

What to Do?

Trying to have the last word or to prove that the police officer is wrong or behaving badly is never the wisest or most advantageous strategy to take during a police interaction. You will most likely regret it if you act that way. Here are some tips for stating that the police officer failed in his duty the right way. 


If a Police Officer Disrespects You

  1. Stay calm and remain respectful to them. If you act in a respectful and calm manner, your behavior could positively influence theirs and thus reduce the risk of a confrontation. On the other hand, the more blameless you are during a police interaction where the police officer is disrespectful, the harder it will be for them to justify their behavior.

  2. Film or record the interaction. You can film or record the interaction or ask a witness to do so. This action could positively influence the behavior of the police officer, just as it could aggravate it. However, this action allows you to get evidence of the incident. Just make sure that filming or recording the interaction does not prevent the police officer from doing their job, as you could then be arrested for obstructing. It is also important not to try to intimidate the police officer by your gestures or your words.

  3. Get the badge number or name of the police officer at fault. If the police officer gives you a document, then their name and badge number will be there. In cases where you do not receive a document, you could politely ask them for their identity.

  4. Note taking. Write down what happened immediately after the interaction, with as much factual detail as possible (Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?). It is particularly important to report as accurately as possible the disrespectful words and actions committed by the police officer, rather than presenting feelings or impressions. Be as objective as possible in your way of describing the events.

  5. Wait, then re-read your notes. Take the time to let the dust settle and reread your notes to assess whether the police officers' actions were objectively disrespectful and unjustified. Indeed, it is not uncommon for a person being blamed by police to become defensive and to think that they have been treated unrespectfully when this is not the case. You could describe the incident to a third party and ask for their honest opinion.

  6. Consider filing a police ethics complaint. Find out if recourse to police ethics is appropriate for you and if so, file a complaint.



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If you want more information or if you need help drafting your complaint, you can contact us.

Commissaire à la déontologie policière

© Gouvernement du Québec, 2022